Michel author

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5 Articles

Author's articles

  • The first signs of worms' emergence and presence in humans. Symptoms of parasites in humans. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of helminthiasis.
    20 November 2023
  • Worms in the human body, the symptoms and treatment of which should be determined by a doctor, have signs of their own. Serious consequences can be avoided if symptoms of worms in the human liver or other organs are detected in time and treated with a course of treatment. Read more in the article.
    14 February 2022
  • How to understand the existence of parasites in the human body? Symptoms and diagnosis of worms. There are signs of a worm infestation in children.
    14 February 2022
  • The main manifestations, symptoms, and treatments of subcutaneous parasites in humans are filariasis, cysticercosis, schistosomiasis, heartworm disease, and mojilon virus.
    13 February 2022
  • A list of some of the most effective natural treatments for cephalosporosis. Folk recipes and remedies for parasites. Which foods can destroy parasites and worms: pumpkin seeds, garlic, pomegranate peel, ginger, onion, horseradish, red pepper, coconut, cloves, cranberry.
    4 March 2021