
Causes and methods of parasitic infections

Helminthiasis is a group of parasitic diseases that continue to develop due to the penetration of various types of parasitic worms into the body. These diseases are not restricted by gender and age. It is worth noting that helminthiasis is usually diagnosed in children. This is due to the fact that children have poor hygiene, do not wash food, and often play in fresh air (sand pits, gardens, etc. ).

Worms are representative of a group of lower worms, which can penetrate the human body and develop freely in the body, thereby causing the development of parasitic diseases. All representatives of this group can be conditionally divided into 3 groups:

  • round bug;
  • tape;
  • Flicker.

According to the mode of transmission, all human worm diseases can be subdivided into:

  • Biological worm disease.In this case, the parasites are carried by animals;
  • is contagious.The infection is from the patient;
  • Worm disease.This worm disease spreads through the soil. This is due to the fact that certain parts of the parasite's life cycle happen to occur underground.

Larvae and developing parasite forms are the most dangerous to the human body because they can move freely in the body and infect vital organs. Adults cannot move freely, so the position should be more stable.

Most types of worms "prefer" to parasitize in the gastrointestinal tract. It is worth noting that different species are located in different parts of the digestive tract: pinworms-in the lower part of the small intestine, partworms-in the upper part, and so on. Moreover, according to location, worms are divided into tissues and cavities.

It should be noted that parasites can not only infect the digestive tract, but also the lungs, bile ducts and gallbladder itself. In their lives, they release all kinds of toxic substances that can poison the human body. It is important that if you suspect that there are parasites in your body, please consult a doctor immediately and begin treatment of the disease to avoid dangerous complications.


The life cycle of human parasites

The characteristic symptoms of helminthiasis first appear in the peripheral blood. If you conduct a clinical analysis, you will find a significant increase in the number of eosinophils (especially in the acute phase of the disease). It should be noted that eosinophilia is usually combined with severe leukocytosis.

Other signs of a worm include:

  • Anal itching;
  • Stool may be unstable-constipation and diarrhea alternate;
  • Grinding teeth during sleep;
  • Morning sickness. Most common in people who brush their teeth.
  • Weight loss with the same diet;
  • Hyperthermia, accompanied by joint and muscle pain;
  • Drooling in the morning;
  • A person is often hungry;
  • The appearance of the rash on the skin (sometimes on the eyelids);
  • The skin on the fingers may come off.


Helminthiasis clinics are divided into acute and chronic phases. The first symptoms of helminthiasis appear one month after the parasite infiltrates the body. The pathological process began to enter the acute phase. A person experiences the following symptoms:

  • Diarrhea;
  • Hyperthermia;
  • Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract;
  • The
  • component of the rash appears on the skin;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • His face is swollen. This symptom is especially obvious in children.
  • Tonsillitis and lymphadenitis sometimes occur in young children.

The pathological process may be complicated:

  • Hepatitis;
  • Bronchospasm;
  • The appearance of lung infiltration;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Meningoencephalitis;
  • Myocarditis.

The above symptoms do not occur at the same time in any specific type of helminthiasis. Usually in the clinic of the disease, only two or three symptoms dominate. Observe this clinical picture of the patient for 7 days, after which the disease becomes chronic. The pathological signs depend on the type of pathogen parasitic in the human body:

  • Echinococcus coccidiosis. Allergic reactions arise at the historic moment. Allergy symptoms have reached a peak. In the most severe clinical situations, anaphylactic shock may even occur.
  • Filariasis and Strongyloidiasis. The rash on the skin worsened and the face was swollen.

The manifestation of helminthiasis also depends to a large extent on the location of the parasite. Most species parasitize in the gastrointestinal tract, causing indigestion, weight loss, nausea, vomiting and poisoning syndrome.

Experts refer to the most serious worm disease:

  • Echinococcus coccidiosis;
  • Paragonimiasis;
  • Cystictail rc disease.

The indicated helminthiasis affects almost all important organs and systems. Therefore, even if treated in time, the prognosis is often unfavorable.


Due to the large number of helminths, the diagnosis method includes many research methods. The most useful and commonly used are the following:

  • Stool analysis. Among them, doctors have the opportunity to find worm eggs and undigested food residue, which indicates that the function of the gastrointestinal tract is damaged.
  • The blood on the microfilament aria;
  • It is used to detect round worms and pin worms in the human body, please perform a macro inspection;
  • Microscopic examination;
  • Bile research;
  • Colonoscopy. Using this method to diagnose helminthiasis can determine the intensity of worm invasion;
  • Check the contents of the duodenum;
  • If the doctor suspects that someone is developing trichinosis, a muscle biopsy should be performed;
  • Ultrasound;
  • X-ray;
  • Fiber gastroduodenoscopy;
  • Blood tests for the presence of specific antibodies against certain helminths.


The main goal of the treatment of this disease is to remove the parasites from the patient and restore the normal function of the gastrointestinal tract. Only after adequate diagnosis and evaluation of test results can a qualified expert formulate a treatment plan. It can be treated either in the hospital or at home.

The basis of treatment of zx helminthiasis is the use of specific anthelmintics.

should only be taken as prescribed by the attending physician and in accordance with the dosage prescribed by him. In the acute phase of the disease, a single dose of the drug is sufficient to eliminate the worms. But the most common is to treat according to a certain plan.

During the treatment process, the following principles must be followed:

  • Strictly abide by personal hygiene rules;
  • Diet therapy;
  • All consumed products must be processed;
  • In the treatment of patients, it is necessary to disinfect regularly.

The treatment of helminthiasis in children is only carried out under fixed conditions, so that the doctor can continuously monitor the patient's condition and adjust the treatment method if necessary. It is worth noting that children’s diseases are more serious, so the treatment process may be very long.


Children and adults should be prevented from helminthiasis for life. Since worms live underground and can also be spread by contact, you should pay as much attention to hygiene as possible-wash your hands, use personal hygiene products, etc. It is also important to thoroughly process fruits and vegetables before eating.

For prevention purposes, it is important to identify people infected with the worm in time. To this end, regular surveys of certain adult categories (especially workers in the food sector, medical sector, etc. ) are conducted.