How effective are pumpkin seeds for treating worms?

Pumpkin seeds are used to repel insects in the same way they were decades ago. This is a safe, environmentally friendly product that many common types of parasites really hate. We need to know in more detail: how pumpkin seeds fight worms, how to prepare effective recipes with the seeds, and what contraindications exist.

How Pumpkin Seeds Fight Worms

Pumpkin seeds can safely remove worms from the bodyToday, it is still common to use pumpkin seeds to treat parasites. This natural repellent has virtually no side effects and gives you the gentlest and preventative way to get rid of unwanted intruders. Medications can be dangerous in the wrong hands, and the seeds of this colorful vegetable can even be taken by children and pregnant women. But a logical question arises: Why do pumpkin seeds help fight worms?
In fact, all sides of the raw seeds are covered with a mucilage substance, which contains special amino acids - cucurbitacins (carpyrrolidine and protein). This amino acid has a strong anthelmintic effect and is not addictive to parasites. The higher the concentration of this substance, the more intolerable the environment becomes for the parasite. He could no longer eat normally and struggled to leave his body.
The greatest concentrations of cucurbitacins are found in the mucous membranes surrounding the seeds. Although all parts contain a certain proportion of ingredients, the film is clearly the most popular, which is why it is recommended to eat this product raw.In addition to the main intended effect, the seeds also have a laxative effect, cleansing the intestines without damaging them. Because of this combination of qualities, pumpkin seeds have become a popular anthelmintic.

Which worms are pumpkin seeds effective against?

Cucurbitacins work well against many common worms of different sizes. It is also worth noting that due to the laxative effect, dead or semi-live worms are passed out of the body before the intestines can begin to digest them.Which parasites would be helpful to cleanse with pumpkin seeds?
  1. Roundworms or nematodes. This is the most common type of human parasite. Pumpkins are effective against pinworms, trichinella spiralis, whipworms and roundworms.
  2. Tapeworms or parasites. Bovine or pork tapeworm, as well as the broad tapeworm.
  3. Flukes, also called flukes. Pumpkin seeds help fight liver flukes, giardia, and Siberian flukes.
Treating parasites with pumpkin seeds will only work on those worms listed above. If testing uncovers another species, the seeds will likely be useless.

Who is not suitable for seed treatment and the nuances you need to know

Overweight people should be cautious about taking pumpkin seeds to prevent parasitesAt first glance, such a simple and ordinary product seems to be suitable for everyone, without exception. But there are some small limitations:
  • People who are overweight need to be even more careful;
  • High-acidity gastritis is also a reason to avoid self-treating with seeds;
  • Due to the laxative effects of cucurbitacins, gastrointestinal disorders (such as obstruction or stone formation) are contraindications;
  • Allergy sufferers or people with allergies should be wary of these seeds.

Regardless, you shouldn’t get too hung up on pumpkin seeds’ effectiveness against worms. Moderation is important with any product, especially products intended for therapeutic use.

How to use pumpkin seeds

This product is not dangerous for children and adults, but it is important to know how to take pumpkin seeds to fight parasites in order to achieve the desired results without any complications. There are many recipes and ways to use seeds to make every day treatment as productive as possible. Also, the risk of being poisoned by the toxins broken down by the worms is much lower than taking pill treatments.

The best way to prepare seeds for children

Pumpkin seeds can be used to treat worms in children with correctly calculated dosesThe amount and method of taking pumpkin seeds to ward off worms in children depends first on their age. The closest doses are as follows:
  • If the child is 5 to 7 years old, a maximum of 150 grams per day can be given;
  • For children aged 8-10 years, the daily dose is increased to 200 grams;
  • If the child is 11 or 12 years old, up to 250 grams;
  • Children over 13 years of age can take adult doses of pumpkin seeds.

To treat seed parasites in children, you can use the adult recipes given below, but be sure to use a kitchen scale or a special measuring instrument to adjust the dosage.

Pumpkin seed milk treats worms in children

Prepare milk with pumpkin seeds to get rid of worms in childrenWhen treating children under 5 years of age, it is much more effective not to use seeds in the usual form, but to use a "milk". It is easily obtained from seeds. To implement this idea, you need to chop or grind a cup of seeds in a coffee grinder (blender). Pour the resulting powder into two cups of boiling water and heat in a water bath over low heat for 1. 5-2 hours.After preheating, the container with the mixture is sealed and wrapped for 12-15 hours until cooled. Then, strain the contents well and let sit for 30-60 minutes. The oil accumulated on the surface needs to be collected and drained before feeding the child on an empty stomach. After a week, you need to repeat everything again, and if necessary, another week.

How to Treat Pregnant Women with Pumpkin Seeds: Milk Recipe

Pregnant women can also use pumpkin seeds to treat parasitesThe reproductive years are the most important time in most women's lives. At this time, it is extremely important to carefully monitor your health. Most anti-helminth medications are strictly contraindicated by pregnant and breastfeeding women, and pumpkin seeds even more so. Getting worms is extremely undesirable for a pregnant woman, but if it does happen, a tried-and-true recipe can help.Crush a cup of pumpkin seeds and mix with a cup of milk. The entire mixture is pureed in a blender or passed through a meat grinder again. A little sweetness can be added to the cocktail, but it's better not to give the worms a chance to snack and use it instead of breakfast. After two hours, you need to drink a little castor oil (no more than 2 tablespoons) to achieve a laxative effect.
The process must be repeated a week later and again to prevent reinfection by remaining eggs and surviving larvae in the body.

Grandma's Anti-Worm Recipes for Adults

The listed recipes for pumpkin seedworms are easy to prepare, and the product itself tastes good and is loved by many people. Most people enjoy clicking on these seeds, not doubting that they simultaneously provide an excellent preventative cleanse for the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Basic recipes.Eat 100 seeds on an empty stomach during the day (for example, 50 seeds in the morning before meals and 50 seeds before dinner, also on an empty stomach). The seeds should be raw and 2 tablespoons of castor oil should be taken before bed. It is best to premix the seeds with honey. Duration - 5 days and must be repeated after 2 weeks. If you treat children in this way, it is important not to overdose on honey (depending on age) and first grind the seeds into a porridge. For children, the intake can be further divided in half (25 capsules per serving) and it is important to consume only before a meal (at least 60 minutes before).Recipe based on pumpkin seeds and garlic has dual anti-parasitic benefits
  • Garlic and pumpkin seeds.This recipe is considered doubly effective, since parasites fear garlic as much as they fear pumpkin seeds. Lightly fry 200 g of raw seeds and mix with chopped garlic (5 cloves). Everything is crushed and infused for 10-12 hours. You need to take one tablespoon of the mixture before meals (3 hours before meals). One spoonful a day is enough, and there is no prohibition on taking another spoonful at night.
  • Dill and pumpkin seeds.Crush pumpkin seeds and mix with dill in a 1: 1 ratio. Pour the entire mixture into the boiling water until covered. Wrap the container and let cool, then strain and drink on an empty stomach. Treatment plan: 3 times a day, 7 days a week. After 2 weeks, it is best to repeat the treatment again.

Is it healthier to take pumpkin seed oil when treating worms?

As we all know, parasites not only live in the human body, but also exploit and destroy the human body. The main disadvantage of their presence in the body is considered to be the large release of toxins that poison the blood. Second is mechanical damage due to damage to the body's mucous membranes. The presence of worms in the body can cause the appearance and worsening of ulcers, inflammation and erosions.The damage affects not only the intestines but also other organs as the larvae spread throughout the body. In most cases, the eggs pass into the intestine and develop into adult worms. But the larvae can be spread through the bloodstream to any part of the body.The concentration of cucurbitacins in pumpkin oil is several times higher than in the seeds or pulp. Therefore, it is better to use oil. However, before using this oil, be sure to see a specialist to determine the type of worms and possible contraindications. We have noted above that cucurbitacins are not effective against all types of parasites, so accurate analysis is important.
Treatment with pumpkin seed oil is reasonable if the tests are normal and the treating specialist does not object to home treatment. Although modern research by parasitologists has made great progress, there is currently no universal treatment for all parasites. The ideal and 100% successful treatment involves a comprehensive approach, including medication.
Pumpkin oil treatment plan:
  • Ingestion.To ward off unwanted visitors, it is recommended to take one teaspoon three times a day. The dosage is the same for children and adults, and the course of treatment is ten days. However, ideally, it is recommended to perform an enema at the same time.You can use pumpkin oil enemas to get rid of worms
  • Enema therapy.Taking 25ml of undiluted pumpkin oil daily before bed is considered to have good results. You should try to keep it in your rectum until you wake up. Oils administered via enemas take 6-8 hours to take full effect. The course of treatment lasts at least ten days.
  • Prevention methods.Experts recommend not only knowing how to take pumpkin oil to treat worms, but also how to use it to prevent the disease. One teaspoon of oil taken a week is enough to cleanse the body. It is best to do prophylaxis every 2 months. Then, if reinfected, the larvae will not have time to grow and harm the body.
important:During treatment with pumpkin seeds or pumpkin oil, it is important not to overeat. The diet must be very strict, otherwise the cucurbitacins will not work at all and the parasite will have the opportunity to avoid death by eating undigested parts of the food.

Side effects and strict contraindications to treatment

The treatments described are 100% natural, but their use should be done in moderation and with the consent of the attending physician. Otherwise, you can easily injure yourself or worsen the situation.Before starting treatment with seeds or oils, it is important to know that in addition to their antiparasitic effect, they also have strong choleretic and laxative effects. In this regard, it should be used with caution (and sometimes completely prohibited) by people suffering from stones or acute constipation.Pumpkin seeds are very effective in fighting worms, but because they are rich in potassium, they can affect urinary output. Therefore, the range of contraindications is expanded in patients with renal, urinary and ureteral diseases.If the following problems may occur while taking this product for treatment, it indicates overdose (the seeds are rich in zinc, phosphorus and vitamins) and use should be restricted:Urination Problems - Side Effects of Using Pumpkin Seeds to Deworm
  1. nausea and vomiting;
  2. Severe diarrhea can lead to dehydration, which is not the mild laxative effect of the seeds;
  3. Tachycardia (feeling like your heart is stopping or speeding up);
  4. Urination problems: pain, bladder or kidney pain, burning sensation when urinating, etc. );
  5. A rash appears on the body.

Any adverse reactions are rare, but it is still necessary to be aware of them. Basically, pumpkin oil or pumpkin seeds have beneficial effects on the body.

in conclusion

This article will help you to take pumpkin seeds correctly to treat worms; simple recipes have been important since long time ago to keep the whole family free from parasites even when medicines are scarce, not available at all or difficult to obtaininfringement. Taking the seeds or oil not only protects the body from parasites, but also fights fungal flora and heals damaged intestines. Due to its structure and high vitamin A content, the oil coats and regenerates.
Take medicine carefully and observe your condition. Not only can you recover, but you will not harm your body.
It's quite difficult to accidentally overdose on seeds, which is not the case with drugstore medications. Accidental errors in dose calculations may result in serious poisoning. However, seed treatment is a long process that requires patience, while drug treatment only requires one or two treatments.